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Why Donate?

There are many benefits to becoming a donating member, including a permanent non-expiring license key for all of our programs, early access to beta releases and new reviews, discounts on popular shareware, and much more.

Donate now using PayPal and you'll receive your lifetime member activation code and non-expiring program license instantly via email.

Commitment To Integrity

None of our software contains toolbars, spyware, adware, or bundled software of any kind. We will refund any donation at any time with no questions asked. All donations are processed securely by trusted financial services; we do not receive your credit card or personal information when you donate, and we will not share your email address with anyone. For more information please read our Privacy Policy.

Find and Run Robot Opinions on FileForum
It [Find and Run Robot] is the most feature-complete and most advanced launcher out there! It simply rocks! I love it, and even I use only a minor amount of features and plugins it has (because it requires someone to remember the syntax of the commands-plugins) it greatly simplifies computer usage..
FileForum image

Generate a free temporary License Key

This page allows non-donors to instantly generate free temporary License Keys for our software.

If you have donated or purchased a License Key, please return to the main License Key page to retrieve your permanent Key.

Your License Key:
*r1;Lnbg5v9pwLT8t5QfzTXFsSBL3EyVC7TSF8iEnt0yOOUjt0PKTuQhU6h +yM3whhBxP6SXsc1OtnzK/12Pcg9CgCjlPbnIWwUBlI/Hz0ViMnDKEN99oEq RR0x2GcwfzqK+xXUdqQIR3p5FPNlx3M+9L3MJG3Q+rFELJ8Rsbr5EEAg=;yc vE/9u+hGg=;eFI5az1mDosonRGzoOKgiSh3jgmQmyUSkBTmFyLCwJFU1ocG3 Du4XSnT7Lp81fTUYzPPA1fNqVil7DqP7XKrK6X3Sf9rUVOsQpl5sU0X94fPm PmMskbrBxUs76C+PBVCohqJZJLwXsi0609WofwZPTxHVuiLenxfTx9MdG3rO A99/rNukXjre6QzwRYbGFLFQX/6OSsFBT2j/3/r/H/404PZ9P0/GQHZX5c0J JSRP/2qUBHL3qSnz9Yy1aSEpTDeUtOXhvRbI5XOY8XvldAUnBxNk/kAJZHZY K++RrTK0SwBTSyXZX5P68/Bexz8e9gunvWexFTi4DNGiV4L4ErYkoSTtT+cp IYhhQELbNg9iORyK2d6r0gDTrDNnSDh0XZWHRmDjI8pP6tfJ27hK13ZhbzxF oMbHj1zR98wGASSQcp1et7LakI7MsM9fhBbrBDeFDLXqXwy2kVtZukO7rtXp VZMpO7XJWwiOC9rQzJk2qpZP/0Pea1QHg==
The license key above is made out to:
License name: Anonymous user
License email: n/a
License type: Temporary 60 day License
Note: Expires on Monday July 15, 2024

Instructions for using your license key:
  1. Select the entire multi-line key above beginning with the *r1, and hit Ctrl+C to copy it to the clipboard.
  2. Install and run the program of ours that you want to activate, go to its Help menu and choose "About", then pres the button to enter your License Key.
  3. Use Ctrl+V to paste your license key into the dialog.
  4. For more detailed instructions and a video demonstration see this page.
  5. If you'd like to have the license key made out to a different name/company/email, don't hesitate to contact us.

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