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About C++ Builder

We are huge fans of Borland's C++ Builder here at It's used in many of our more elaborate windows programs, and it's one of the most powerful tools for C++ programmers that want to do rapid development of rich Windows GUI applications.

About Judging The Results

There were many excellent submissions to the contest, and choosing winners was difficult and several of the decisions could honestly have gone either way. Judging was based on a number of criteria including completeness, documentation, polish, the existence of alternative free tools, the possibilities of improvement, the estimated difficulty of implementation, the usefulness/fun of the entry, and more. We categorized entries as described on our contest rules page, in order to ensure some diversity, but also awarded prizes to individual coders based on multiple entries.

Download and Try For Yourself!

One of the main points of this contest was to encourage the development of donationware software. On behalf of the authors we invite you to download and use these programs. If you find them useful, will you please consider making a donation to the authors to support their continued development?

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PhpWebserver is a webserver with PHP and ASP.NET 1.1 support. Support ISAPI extenstions...  I plan to make it work with JSP too.

This program is freeware/donationware with source codes.

PHP page example:

ASP.NET page example:

Download Here:

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Demina: A Minesweeper Solver/Helper Tool

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A program that can help in solving Minesweeper game. 8)

Download zip files with program and a help file: Here.

Editor's Note: The description and screenshots do not do this tool justice - it is quite amazing to see it in action.

It actually finds the normal windows minesweeper executable running, then takes screenshot of the window(!) then figures out the grid given the screenshot, then solves as much as it can, and then sends clicks back over to the minesweeper exe.

It actually made me laugh out loud in suprise and pleasure as i was watching it work.. pretty damn amazing..

see the help file inside for a bit on the mathematics of how it works.

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Mp3 Portable Ripper Utility

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The Mp3 Portable Ripper

Proudly made with C++ Builder, Bass Library and LMD Tools
You see it, and you want it!! (source code included)

features: ripping of mp3 shoutcast stations on the fly (you only need to know what mp3 station you want to record)...various time-measurement recordings until 15.000 seconds of recording time...

Uses: New music on your Car (burning the result to a CD disc), have your personal Mp3 ripper on your Flash-Rom or Mp3-Player and carry it to everyplace in your pocket... Record your own favourite sessions on a single mp3 file...

current status: Working but not 100% not available until Mouser or organizers review it...

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The submision that i am making to the borland competition is a Lan or network game/chat server.

Game chat makes a winsock connection betweeen the two processes and allows a simple text chat over this connection as well as gameplay for chess,checkers,norts and crosses and Reversi.

here is  a screenshot of the main program.

My website has a page explaining the process of using the program at

Direct downloaded from http://www.members.o...martyjn/

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Random MixTape Maker

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Random Mix Tape Maker allows you to create custom playlists from multiple mp3 file sources on your system.

You can use these playlists to burn fresh, always new compiliations to a CD or drag & drop to your portable mp3 player, or just save a playlist for your listening pleasure. You have complete control as to how the playlists are created. Controlling such things as song length, compilation size, compilation length, and files/directories you want to exclude allows you to custom tailor playlist creation to fit your needs.

Making "mix tapes" is as old an idea as the tape recorder itself; Random Mix Tape Maker was made to create a completely unique list of your favorite songs every time you use it, thus taking the hassle of searching through specific songs every time you want to make a mix of your own. Use it to make fresh mixes for your own listening pleasure, or use it to turn your friends on to your genre of music.

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Development Cleaning Suite

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Here is my initial submission for this contest.  The suite is fully functional and has performed well for me (I just cleaned 400+ MB of temporary files from my development machine).

The "Development Cleaning Suite" (DCS) is a utility that provides a cleanup handler for Widows 2000 and above.  Additionally, the suite includes a configuration tool as well as an independant host (DCSUtil) for the handler - providing for additional benefits and more advanced features.

An example of its presence with the Windows Disk Cleanup Tool:

Clicking the "Review" button shows a detailed view of all files found and allows you to indicate which files should / should not be deleted.


DOWNLOAD the installer and manual from official web page: HERE.

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