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Brilliant for old machines and using high CPU resources

This program has a serious impact my machine dramatically improving performance and responsiveness... I highly recommend this little program - especially if, like me you have an older computer and/or are a heavy CPU resource user. You'll notice the difference straight away and I believe you will be amazed.
johnwindebank at cnet.com
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Find and Run Robot is ideal

If you're a Firefox fan, you must love the way of searching for text in this fastest browser: just type some characters, then Firefox highlights the words which include the characters you've just typed. If you want to launch an application the same way by tying some characters of that application's name, Find and Run Robot is ideal for you.
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FARR (Find and Run Robot) is much better

Farr is an easy to use application launcher for Windows (Windows 7, Vista and XP) that helps you rapidly find and launch programs or documents from within the depths of the start menu or other directories. There are several similar programs, but I think FARR (Find and Run Robot) is much better and quite easy to use
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FARR - Launch Your Apps and Find Your Files Quickly

I had been using launchy as my preferred program launcher for quite some time, until I found FARR... There are plenty of options and functionality offered by FARR to satisfy all. If you are a diligent tweaker, you have loads of options to play with and customize according to your taste. If you are an average user, use the default options and you are good to go. The large plugin list and an involved community provide the icing on the FARR Cake!
Varun Kashyap at makeuseof.com
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Flipbook Printer: It doesn't get any simpler

The flipbooks can be used simply for your own enjoyment, to have fun with your kids, or maybe even a fancy party favor to pass around. Whatever the case, it doesn't get any simpler than what the free Flipbook Printer application offers. With a few movies from your own collection and a little computer knowledge, you are well on your way to generating your very own flipbooks.
MakeUseOf Blog
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PushMonitOff: A nifty little stand-alone

PushMonitOff is a nifty little stand-alone executable that instantly turns your monitors off with a hot key combination, allowing you to flip them back on when needed.
LifeHacker Blog
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Kill: An effective little application

Linux fans will instantly recognize Kill as a clone of the handy xkill utility, because both of them let you instantly kill off a process by clicking on one of its windows. Kill is an effective little application written in AutoHotKey.
LifeHacker Blog
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NoClose gets the job done

The lightweight application disables the X button in the Windows titlebar for the windows you select. Select the window you want to lock and then hit CTRL+1 to lock and unlock the window. You can also add rules for Windows so that NoClose will remember which windows you want locked. While locking your work station when you're away is the best way to keep things just as you left them, NoClose is a great solution to keep an errant mouse click or moment of thoughtlessness from closing a window or application you need open.
LifeHacker Blog
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