About this Chat Room

This chat room uses the IRC protocol and connects to channel #donationcoder on network freenode.net. You can use any standard IRC client to connect to the channel.

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If a chat window does not open in the main page to your right, it may mean that there is an error connecting to the online chat client. Please try reloading the page or use a standalone IRC chat client.

Who Am I Talking To?

This chat channel is open to all, though there are usually one or two user in the channel who are moderators of the DonationCoder website/forum who can provide official support. Please do not share your login information or other personal information with anyone other than moderators.

24hrs/day, 365days/year

Our chat channel is occupied 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, but please remember you are not speaking with paid support employees -- you are speaking with members of the DonationCoder.com forum who hang out in there spare time to chat about all aspects of life, and will help out with problems you might have if they are able to. We are always happen to have new people join the chat to talk about life, projects, anything that's on your mind.

Don't Forget the Forum

While the chat channel can occasionally be a good way to get a question answered quickly, we always recommend our forum as the main place to find answers and request assistance. That's because the forum has a much wider reach in terms of people who can help, and doesn't rely on someone being online when you post your question. It's also a much better way for people to share lasting knowledge on the forum.

DonationCoder's 35 Free New Year Apps
After browsing through all of the apps I have to say that there are a few that could actually prove to be useful. Here are the ones that we really like, and I'll tell you my favorite at the end of the article.. And I'll save what I consider to be the best for last. It's called JustCloseSomeTasks, and it's designed to monitor how often you're using the programs you currently have open. With a quick press of a hotkey you can see all applications that have been inactive for a specified period of time, and in a few clicks you can close them all. This is a great tool for anyone who finds themselves overwhelmed with the number of windows they have open. Congrats to DonationCoder for another successful NANY challenge, and a big thanks to all of the developers who took the time out of their busy lives to make contributions! You can checkout all 35 of the entries here.
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