Posted this on a few other forums but they all were locked for various reasons.
Need a specific type a renaming utility or scriptAs the image shows I have many files that I would like to move to proper folders. I need these files to move to these folders. This is just a limited example as I need all files to be moved into their proper season folder.
The script needs to be able to read the files name to the season:
and then move it to the folder:
I have looked through many websites today and many that I found just want to make a folder with the file's name instead of moving it to a season folder.
This is for Windows 10 batch file. Making folders is not necessary but if possible adding that would be even better at saving time.
Also wanted to add that I would be just running this inside only one folder. No need for paths. Just move files into designated folders.
I was asked to clarify. Not sure where I am not clear.
My current method.
Remove all video files to one directory.
From there move files by hand to previously created directories.
If a new directory is needed I use a files2folders app that is installed.
To get to a proper season format I manually edit the folder's name and remove episode numbers.
@echo off
for %%a in (*.*) do (
md "%%~na" 2>nul
move "%%a" "%%~na"
That script is not needed as it does all files into individual folders. I do not need all files in their own folders. Almost every script I found currently is some form of this.
If you looking for more information than this I can not provide more as everything I am doing is done by hand. I know just enough about scripting to modify simple code to suit my needs but beyond that, I am at a loss. My career path was military/construction/nurse. Nothing with coding.