Wreckedcarzz's Software License, v1.0
"Program" refers to all files included within this packaged setup executable.
"Warranty" refers to required payment or assistance from the Author.
"Author" refers to Mr. Brandon Seal
"Yourself" refers to the end user(s) of this Program
This Program lacks a Warranty, implied or assumed. The Author takes no responsibility or liability for and damage, loss, or other negative action that may occur whilst using this program.
License and distribution:
This Program is donationware. You may not redistribute it and charge, monetary or otherwise, for access to the Program. The Author accepts donations for the work of the Program, however only the Author may do so.
The Program may be freely distributed if this following qualifications are met:
-The program's setup file is intact and has not been altered in any way, shape, or form
-You are not charging the recipient for the Program
Source code:
This Program is closed source. You may not:
-Reverse engineer it
-Attempt, in any way, to retrieve any/all source code within the Program
-Change program components
-Alter the program and redistribute it
If you obtain any source code for this program from the Author, it is to be used for personal use only, and/or for collaboration between Yourself and the Author.
Media and/or other methods of reviewing or special distribution:
Before placing this in any type of Media, be it located Online or broadcast over Radio or Television, you must retrieve the Author's permission. The only exception to this is for the Online website
www.donationcoder.com - ALL OTHERS MUST CONTACT THE AUTHOR.
Legal action:
If it is found that you have broken any of the above terms, you are subject to legal action. If you have a question about this License, stop and do not accept it- contact the Author before proceeding. Accepting this license makes you subject to the above terms, and binds you to abide by them. If you do not accept this License, you may NOT use the Program and you are required to delete all copies of the Program from your possession immediately.