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Find and Run Robot is ideal
If you're a Firefox fan, you must love the way of searching for text in this fastest browser: just type some characters, then Firefox highlights the words which include the characters you've just typed. If you want to launch an application the same way by tying some characters of that application's name, Find and Run Robot is ideal for you. image



First off, our sincere congratulations to all the winners! Accessibility presents a huge challenge to a game designer, and we had quite an amazing diversity of genres from the finalists, and innovation in so many different areas -- from storyline/writing to game play variety. There is a lot of room for improvement here, and the authors may have discovered that making an accessible game is harder than it sounds, especially for programmers who have never considered the issue of accessibility. But the spirit and creativity behind each of the games was wonderful and the IGDA Game Accessibility SIG will be happy to work with any of the authors who are interested in taking their games to the next level and making them even more accessible. - Michelle Hinn, Chair of the IGDA's Game Accessibility SIG.

About The Prizes

First of all we have to say a huge thank you to the sponsors of this unusual contest. There are many excellent game development websites, and we appreciate that the sponsors of this contest were willing to support the non-traditional focus of this contest and bring a little light to the issue of accessible gaming. Keeping with the spirit of this contest we asked each of the entrants to rate their preferred prizes and we tried extremely hard to find a way to get everyone who entered something they would be happy with - we hope that we've succeeded in that. We've highlighted one game as the top contest winner, and then presented the rest of the collection in no particular order.

Download and Try For Yourself!

On behalf of the authors we invite you to download and play these games. If you enjoy them, please consider making a small donation to the authors to support their continued development! Your donations make a difference.

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Blankblock is a version of the classic "peg-jumping" game, with a range of difficulty levels from easy to mind melting.

It's the only entry in our contest designed by a team that actually works in the accessibility-game field in real life.  Yakir Arbib led this work, and is a member of the audiogame company called "Lighttech Interactive", that makes free games which are accessible to people with visual disabilities.

In Blankblock you start the game  you get a randomly generated board with block(peg) slots, and an empty slot. Your goal is to clear the whole board from blocks by jumping blocks(pegs) over one another into blank slots.  We had a hard time hearing some of the instructions over the sound effects - hopefully the prize sound effects cds will offer some more subtle choices for the next game.

Download: Lighttech Interactive Website.


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