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Process Tamer: My New Favorite App
The third item I’d like to mention is my new favorite app. I’m sure just about every computer user who uses Windows has, at least once, had an application freak out and chew up all your cpu cycles leaving you with the most sluggish machine you’ve ever seen. Enter Process Tamer. This little app will save you countless hours of frustration and dollars spent on getting rid of that windows inspired headache. Its a very small (140k) app that sits in the system tray and monitors processes and how much of the cpu they are using. When a process rises above a certain level (that you set), that process is automatically lowered in priority. It doesn’t kill the process entirely. So if it is a legitimate, normally functioning process, it will continue to operate. But if it is being a bad seed, having its priority lowered will allow the normal execution of other apps and allow your computer to function normally. I can’t begin to tell you how much time and frustration this saves me. The very same day I found and installed this on one of my computers, I had a process go ballistic on another computer. I meant to install Process Tamer first change I got on my second computer, but being my procrastinatory self put it off. After fixing that rogue process I installed Process Tamer and have never had a problem since!
W.H. image

FAQ - Commercial Licenses and Contract Work

Here's a list of common questions and answers relating to commercial licenses and hiring us for contract work.

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